Saturday, 21 December 2013

Devon Clotted Screamers Vs Plymouth City Roller Girls B 17th December 2013

Devon Clotted Screamers Vs Plymouth City Roller Girls B

Devon Clotted Screamer Vs Severn Roller Trent B 14th December 2013

Devon Clotted Screamers Vs Severn Roller Trent
14th December 2013

So, another Saturday, another game to prepare for, this being the penultimate game of 2013, our momentous first year as a fully scrimming team. This game was on home ground too so chances were, no catastrophes would happen today.

Just for a change, we decided to field a very short team. Not short in stature, short in numbers. Today we had just 9 - you could say we either love a challenge, or are slightly challenged in the brains department. Im going for the latter, but we have become accustomed to this, and speaking personally, I am getting on a bit and remembering everybodys names is nigh on impossible so the fewer there is to remember, the better for me.  It has to be said though, when we do have a fuller team when our lovely freshmeat are ready, we will be awesome.

So to the game, it started off fast, it continued fast and was over too fast. We played hard and to a certain extent, constantly, if you look at how much track time we all had. There was no time for daydreaming put it that way. It was pretty much a game of if youre not too crackered then stay on. Stamina again saved us, and adrenaline is a marvellous thing too, I think we could have carried on playing if time hadnt run out.

SRT are another favourite team to play, on track and off they are a great bunch. We were certainly worked very hard with every jam being intense. Everybody put so much into the game, at times the score was close too, but power jams were our enemy on the day. I have to mention our Sillycon Abi, who has so far only played about 3 games but was thrown in the deep end and had to jam when Karla was close to collapse.

With each game that passes, the Screamers are getting stronger as a team..all I can say is, watch this space in 2014!

Coxy & I know it 000h

Friday, 22 November 2013

Screamers 1st Birthday & Awards Night


We finally made it happen ( well Coxy did) and we had our first birthday party and awards. What an amazing year it has been we have had scrims, mixed scrims, travel team, freshmeat, new kit for sale, boot camp, broken ankles, broken bus, bruises, pains in the knees, road trips  flasks of tea and cake.....there is always cake.

So now to the important bit, who won what:
Best jammer - Karla

Best Piviot - Smitty

Best Blocker - Kim

MVP - Moysey

Most feared - Moysey

Best Ref - Jerry

Hardest hitter - Marie

Best injury (clumsy) - McSue

Biggest show off- Lisa

Best NSO - Gillian

Sweetest player - Lucy

Best legs - Becky

nicest bum - Maxine

Best tattoos- Abi

Best rookie - Abi

Derby spirit- Catherine

Most fun- Coxy( or as we like to say team t**t)

Most improved - Claire

Most positive - Su

and goes with out saying.....smelliest kit - Tony.

Then our lovely captain had some very special awards for the lucky chosen few. The A.R.S.E award
(awards recognising special expertise)

Catherine - screamers scrim sorter outer

Gillian- superb overall organiser of stuff and keeping a rabble of a team in order.... and being bloody good with                  a clipboard/white board too.

Lucy- amazing ability to refain from potty mouth and remain calm.

Marie- most stealthy and persistent bum pincher.#

Su- hardcore nonstop dancing party animal.

Tony- eye rolling, tutting, shaking head, all round consistent disapproval of everything and sometimes between being quite a good coach.

Mc Sue- total positive dedication to the team whilst off skates with the occasional 'little britain' impersonation.

So that's our first year done and dusted and we are looking forward to see what next year brings us.

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Devon Clotted Screamers vs SRT B closed scrim 26th October 2013

Kerf*@kup Saturday

As HNSO, Treasurer, club Secretary and general sorter outer of stuff, I’ve never actually seen my beloved Screamers play without having some official role to do.  I decided that for our away game to SRT on the 26th October 2013, I would come along as a spectator/cheerleader and would have no ‘official’ role on the day except for cheering my girls on.

We all made it to the rendezvous point, boarded the minibus & trundled along the North Devon Link road to Gloucester.  In true Screamers style, and in spite of having printed directions and a satnav, we got a little lost, but found the venue with plenty of time to spare for getting kitted up, intros to the lovely ladies of Bath who were joining us as Honorary Screamers for the day, hugs to SRT & the normal pre-match rituals before the first whistle blew. 

What. A. Game!  Last time we were here, it was our first ever game and we totally had our skates handed to us. This time, things were a little different.  To quote an esteemed Referee “Screamers have come a long way, the difference I see from the last time to this – DCS has changed from a group of girls who skate together to a Roller Derby Team”… SO proud!  We still have plenty to learn - not least that I do NOT make a good spectator! ;-)

As tradition dictates, we all headed to a nearby pub for post-match food & drinks…the alarm bells should have started then as Coach Mumbles couldn’t get the minibus into reverse, the Screamers used pushing the bus as a warm down, we realised we had forward gears so off we went. Stuffed full off food, we left the pub at 4pm and headed off in the direction on the M5….2 miles from the motorway, we could see Mumbles struggling in the drivers cab, then a loud ‘clunk’ as the bottom of the gearbox fell out of our hired minibus!  Laughing our heads off, we duly trooped off the bus, set up the warning triangle & phoned the RAC.  “We’ll be with you in up to 75 minutes…”  A few hardy souls scouted the area & located an Asda about 15 minutes walk away so 9 of the 11 trooped off there to wait it out.  An hour or so passed and we got a call to say they were having trouble getting a recovery truck big enough for all of us and offered us hire cars instead, we nominated 2 drivers and advised the RAC that we only had the photocard sections if our licenses, which we were assured, would be fine…  It wasn’t…. as we discovered 2 HOURS later when they called us again to say they were sending taxi’s to take us to the local car hire place!  This was when I went into ‘Angry Bats’ mode and demanded taxi’s to take us home, the minibus was already on the back of a recovery truck, but there was only space for 2 of us in the cab…  The lovely Chris from the RAC agreed & went off to make the arrangements. 40 minutes or so later, 4 hours after we initially called for help, a nice 7 seater taxi driven by the lovely Paddy arrived, and Paddy assured us that another car was following in a few minutes.  Hurrah! Saved!... And then my phone rang… It was RAC Chris.  Telling me that the 2nd taxi had been cancelled!!  AArrrggghhhh! 

Apparently, there was some waffle about the cost being over the amount the RAC would pay, and that the tow truck guy was supposed to be able to take 6 of us!!  Before I blew my stack, we bundled 7 Screamers into the taxi to get them on their way whilst RAC Chris went off to try to solve the problem.  I told tow truck guy they he was supposed to take us which was met with a shrug of the shoulders, and, after a phonecall to his boss, a suggestion that we should “just get a taxi home, pay for it & try to claim it later!”…. Thankfully, Chris called again and at 9pm, So Solid Sue and I were snuggled up in a taxi with the lovely Dave driving us back to Devon with Mumbles and Ace of Chase in the cab of the recovery truck bringing up the rear. 
At Midnight, 8 hours after breaking down, and £714 in taxis (on the RAC’s account!) Mumbles was last Screamer home, sticking to the letter of the Royal Marine’s code of ‘Never leave a man behind’ to which we are all eternally grateful!

The moral of the story…. Don’t ever think that the RAC will rescue Damsels in Distress.

Friday, 18 October 2013

Travel Team Scream! 13th October 2013

Travel Team Scream!
Bath Roller Derby Girls vs Bourne Bombshells 13th October 2013

On Sunday 13th October Michelle (Rolls-Moyse) & Kimi Krusher had the opportunity to Help our Sisters from another mother team Bath Roller Derby Girls play the Bourne Bombshells.

Of course we jumped at the chance brought our Mr. men Happy T-Shirts, abducted So Solid Sue to cheer us on, who ended up NSOing, Feeling a bit bruised and battered after playing Cornwall the day before but full of excitement.

After a few problems with the Sat Nav normal for a Screamers Road Trip off we went meeting the Bath Girls at the Bristol Venue of merchant sports academy.

WOW! Is all I’m going to say, Roller Derby and Leopard print our team captain of the Scream Team would have died and gone to haven, The Bourne Bombshells team kit as you can see from the photos is amazing, really nice ladies but I’m not going to lie I was a little scared!

After a Team Talk, whistle blew for the first Jam BOOM BOOM BOOM as I expected Hard Hitters, Solid walls.

Everyone had such determination we love skating with The Bath Roller Derby Girls the nicest people you will ever meet, as for the Bourne Bombshells Wow you play hard loved it, Hope we meet again soon.

To Top the Day our very own Kimi Krusher was awarded Best Blocker! 

Words: Michelle Rolls-Moyse 

Photography: John Hesse