We finally made it happen ( well Coxy did) and we had our first birthday party and awards. What an amazing year it has been we have had scrims, mixed scrims, travel team, freshmeat, new kit for sale, boot camp, broken ankles, broken bus, bruises, pains in the knees, road trips flasks of tea and cake.....there is always cake.
So now to the important bit, who won what:
Best jammer - Karla
Best Piviot - Smitty
Best Blocker - Kim
MVP - Moysey
Most feared - Moysey
Best Ref - Jerry
Hardest hitter - Marie
Best injury (clumsy) - McSue
Biggest show off- Lisa
Best NSO - Gillian
Sweetest player - Lucy
Best legs - Becky
nicest bum - Maxine
Best tattoos- Abi
Best rookie - Abi
Derby spirit- Catherine
Most fun- Coxy( or as we like to say team t**t)
Most improved - Claire
Most positive - Su
and goes with out saying.....smelliest kit - Tony.
Then our lovely captain had some very special awards for the lucky chosen few. The A.R.S.E award
(awards recognising special expertise)
Catherine - screamers scrim sorter outer
Gillian- superb overall organiser of stuff and keeping a rabble of a team in order.... and being bloody good with a clipboard/white board too.
Lucy- amazing ability to refain from potty mouth and remain calm.
Marie- most stealthy and persistent bum pincher.#
Su- hardcore nonstop dancing party animal.
Tony- eye rolling, tutting, shaking head, all round consistent disapproval of everything and sometimes between being quite a good coach.
Mc Sue- total positive dedication to the team whilst off skates with the occasional 'little britain' impersonation.
So that's our first year done and dusted and we are looking forward to see what next year brings us.