Team Scream Photo Shoot Mole Valley
Devon Clotted Screamers vs Cardiff Roller Girls
Birthday Blocks Sur5al! !0 teams 2 minute Jams Who will Surive!

Birthday Bash up Sur5al – 19th January
As I walked into the leisure centre there was a crowd of Derby Folk congregating in the cafĂ©. So many derby people in one place wearing their colours or stripes was just awesome, if a little overwhelming to know that in one hour I would be facing these people on track….daunting thought. There were Team Ireland players meandering around along with a Welsh National, just chatting and talking tactics with league players; was just awesome.
Despite my nerves I donned my “Team Dumbledore” t-shirt and kitted up. I could do this, I could skate against boys! Then it dawned on me, I would have to play the Screamers, I knew who to avoid and their little sneaky skills but they were my team, another new experience for me.
First 2 minutes came and went. Was awesome, we had a plan, Danny would jam and we would just hold back the jammer, that was it, hold back the jammer and it worked so well. Loved it.
There was literally blood, sweat and tears during the game. Someone had a nose bleed and Coxy fell hitting her head with such force it rebounded off the floor and warranted a spend on a new helmet, ouch.
Danny continued to jam and Cornick, Mattlovin, Block Beauty and myself held the jammer back. The only blood on our team was drawn by me hitting Cronick in the mouth……sorry. The Screamers played so well I was so proud to be a part of that team, the jamming was awesome and there were times were there were only one or two blockers on the track, Dirty ol’ Blocker and Kimi Krusher holding back the jammer as Rolls Moyse continued to zoom round scoring points. Was great to see Whippety Split getting low and round scoring points, the Screamers definitely showed off their talents.
In the last jam we faced the green team, the Apocalypse. They were down to a jammer and a blocker but within seconds they were down to just the blocker, and he fought valiantly trying to push passed the wall of Cronick and Mattlovin, to get to our jammer but he couldn’t. The crowd chanted his name, “Tony, Tony, Tony” he was loving it and loving the battle on the track. Despite his efforts we scored points and took second place to the Jedi’s a coed team from Plymouth.
Was a brilliant day, thank you to everyone who had the birthday in January, allowing this Bash up to happen and thank you to Danny Macey for organising it.
Words: Catherine Clawley
Devon Clotted Screamers Vs Reapers